Saturday, January 19, 2008

JVI vs. The Things from Outer Space!

Jack Van Impe warns of an invasion of hostile extra-terrestrials here. And, NO, he's not talking about Rexella.

Actually, I think he and I are on the same page when it comes to the ultimate origin of "alien encounters," but it's the bait-and-switch of this sort of advertising that irks me.

ht: JC Thibadaux


Machine Gun Kelley said...

Watching that cost me about 15% of my remaining IQ points...

I think JVI is an undercover Jesuit! LOL!

kelly jack said...

I think Chuck Ohman should have got the anouncers job for the new "The Price is Right" game show, atleast it would be put to good use.

Fred said...

Sure looked like Rexella on the cover to me!!