Thursday, May 24, 2007

Winner of Church Idol

Many of you have been to TomintheBox News Network to be informed of the latest news in evangelicalism. One of my favorite things was the article about the series that has been going on called Church Idol. After many great performers, the people have selected a winner. His winning performance has been posted to youtube, and you can also view it below.

What is Evangelicalism coming to...


Exist-Dissolve said...

What is Evangelicalism coming to...

The coolest (although by-now-somewhat-dated) Christian music video ever! You're just upset because he mentioned Wesley and not Calvin...

Joshua A. Hitchcock said...

No...because Calvin wouldn't have rhymed...and I doubt this dude has any idea who John Calvin was.

Exist-Dissolve said...

Why would you say that? Just because he didn't mention him in this song?

Besides, you could work Calvin in there by doing a psuedo-rhyme on "galvin-ized"...or something about chipmunks (perhaps the facial resemblance?).

Joshua A. Hitchcock said...

you could make it work....but if you want some good reformed rap...check out Da Truth...I don't like rap generally, but he has some good stuff.

Exist-Dissolve said...

Good reformed rap? LoL! I didn't know the Reformed rapped.

I guess there's a niche for everything these days!

BTW, Louisville is nice, and I think you will enjoy it there. I'm just down the road in Lexington.

You SHOULD go to Asbury instead (that's where I went), but SBTS is a reputable institution as well. I have a good friend who is probably going to go there to work on his doctorate. Good luck!

Joshua A. Hitchcock said...

Thanks exist...perhaps our paths will cross to discuss theology. What degree are you getting or do you have? How old are you?

Exist-Dissolve said...

I'm 26 and have a MA in Theological Studies, BS in the same.

Scribe said...

Wow, that was pitiful and hilarious at the same time.Gotta love the KJV gold chain hanging off of dude's neck. Oh, and if the girl's bible is a big book with wide margins, ya know its a Cambridge( my wife's got one!)