Monday, December 17, 2007

New Baptist Covenant


I move that we boycott Jimmy Carter's upcoming conference...

(more info)

Do we have a second?


Joshua A. Hitchcock said...

So...amidst the speakers are President Clinton...who claims to not have had sex with "that woman", you have the president of truett seminary which is the most liberal seminary around. You have a female pastor, Rev. Julie of Decatur, you have Tony Campolo, who has gotten worse over the years, and a luncheon with Al Gore...yeah've got a second....a major second.....this for some reason doesnt seem to be on the same caliber as the together for the gospel conference here in Louisville.

Machine Gun Kelley said...

We have a second.


We will now open the floor for discussion.

Gordan said...


I call for the Question.

Machine Gun Kelley said...

All in favor, say AYE!

Gordan said...

I gave my Credentials to some guy calling himself Arminian. Dang! Who knew there was a vote coming?
